Wayne Municipal Court
Facing criminal charges can be scary; our experienced criminal defense attorneys are here to fight for you.

Tuesdays at 1:30 pm
- Traffic
- Criminal matters
- D.W.I. arrangements
- Property maintenance complaints
- Borough ordinance violations
Wednesday at 1:00pm
- Traffic
- Criminal matters
- D.W.I. arrangements
- Property maintenance complaints
- Borough ordinance violations
Thursday at 10:00am
- Traffic
- Criminal matters
- D.W.I. arrangements
- Property maintenance complaints
- Borough ordinance violations
Friday at 10:00am
- D.W.I. trials
- Criminal trials
A fifth session is added, when needed, to accommodate case load.
Note: Many municipal court matters are heard ‘virtually’ through the ZOOM platform. ‘In-person’ hearings are scheduled, at the direction of the Judge, on an individual basis for trials and motions where the defendant faces a "sentence of magnitude."
Wayne NJ Municipal Court Information
The Wayne Municipal court is the fair and equitable administration of justice. Their goal is to provide the citizens of Wayne with quality service while the operations of the court continue to expand to protect residents, property, and the unique way of life of the community of Wayne. It is a presumptive mediation court that utilizes the Complementary Dispute Resolution Program. Disputes involving neighbors, friends, or family members are first sent to Mediation before filing a formal complaint.
The Wayne Municipal Court is the venue where charges for criminal offenses issued within the town of Wayne are adjudicated. T
he court handles the following offenses:
- Disorderly persons offenses
- Petty disorderly persons offenses
- Motor vehicle and traffic violations
- Fish and game laws
- Code enforcement
- Penalty enforcement
- Township ordinances violations
New Jersey Municipal Courts offer a number of diversionary programs, including conditional discharge and conditional dismissal. These programs may serve as viable alternatives to the conviction for first-time offenders charged with certain crimes.
Wayne NJ Police Department
475 Valley Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470
Phone: (973) 694-0600
James Clarke – Chief of Police
Police Department
Wayne Criminal Defense Lawyers
If you or someone you love has been charged with a criminal offense in Wayne, New Jersey, your case will be heard and decided at the Wayne Municipal Court. The Wayne Municipal Court has commonly seen attorneys from Breslow Law Offices, earning the attorneys a reputation for being committed to securing positive results for their clients.
Contact Breslow Law Offices at 937-239-8000 for a free comprehensive consultation.
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