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We help adults and juveniles facing criminal charges in New Jersey negotiate reduced pleas, get their charges dismissed, and fight to protect your freedom.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Hiring a criminal defense lawyer is your best chance at getting charges reduced or eliminated, and id the best choice to protect your rights.
Every criminal case has two sides. The prosecution will seek to bring the harshest penalties possible against you in court; a criminal defense attorney at our firm will ensure every single element of your wellbeing is protected and may be able to obtain a lighter sentence or eliminate all charges, if possible.
In New Jersey, the terms "felony" and "misdemeanor' refer to different levels of severity. Misdemeanor charges often have less severe penalties, however, they can still include jail time. New Jersey categorizes felonies into four primary types of felony charges in New Jersey; from fourth degree allegations (forgery, DUI, etc.) to first degree allegations (manslaughter, rape, and murder).
It can be a tough situation when you're facing trial, but there are legal options to avoid it. Your lawyer might convince the prosecution that their case isn't worth pursuing or may prove they have no grounds for filing charges in court.
Depending on the situation and your attorney, going to trial might be necessary. If charges cannot be resolved prior to court proceedings beginning then you must appear before a judge who will decide whether or not there's enough evidence for an official trial outcome.